Warehouse in Redistribution

Store Stock Redistribution supports different strategies to calculate the trips between store and/or warehouse locations to redistribute items. Warehouse locations follow different rules than store locations in the calculation.

The following basic rules apply to warehouse locations:

Redist. Matrix

A warehouse location is only considered in the Store Stock Redistribution calculation if it is listed in the Replenishment Item Quantity table for the currently calculated item, and if it is defined in the Redist. Matrix

Stock in Warehouse locations

Store Stock Redistribution considers a warehouse location always as a supply location. Store Stock Redistribution does not propose transfers from stores to warehouse locations. A store location can be considered as location with supply or demand.

Consideration of Warehouse locations

This is defined in the Redistribution Warehouse Stock field on the Replenishment Template page.

This field can have the following values:

  • Ignore
  • Force
  • Prioritize
  • Like Store Stock

Ignore will never consider inventory in the warehouse location.

Force will always consider inventory in the warehouse location and will prioritize this over existing inventory in store locations.

Prioritize will prefer inventory in the warehouse location over store locations if no existing trips exist yet (for other items). While the option Force will empty the warehouse location first, the option Prioritize will optimize the trips calculation and as a result it might prioritize a store location, even if there is inventory in the warehouse location.

Like Store Stock will consider the inventory in stores and warehouses equally.

The set up Redist. Strategy and applicable Cost, Distance, or Duration in the Redist. Matrix define which location is selected. If locations have the same Cost, Distance, or Duration, the location with the highest inventory is selected. The Redist. Strategy Least No. of Trips considers only the quantity in the selection process.

Sequence of Warehouse location selection

When Store Stock Redistribution calculates possible supply locations for a location with demand, it will first check the preferred warehouse location. The preferred warehouse location can be retrieved from the Replenish From Warehouse field in the Replen. Item Quantities table. This is the warehouse location that is defined in either the Replenishment Setup page as default warehouse or in the Replen. From Warehouse List page.
If the preferred warehouse location is not able to fulfill the demand, all other warehouse locations that can be found in the Replen. Item Quantities table for the currently calculated item, will be considered.

See also

Store Stock Redistribution

Redistribution Calculation Types